Lloyd Irvin’s Miami "Elite Kids Event"
I’m Looking For A Few Serious MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL OWNERS That Want To Learn How To Build A Hugely Successful Kids Program, One That The Kids Want To Stay Involved In For 10/15/20 Years & A Program That Can Actually Produce World Champions/Elite Competitors. 
If That’s You I Will Personally Show You How To Do It GUARANTEED!
I'm Hosting A SMALL Three Day Intensive In Miami Fl In May. I'm Flying In My Head Kids Instructor "Master Donnie" (Pictured Below) To Teach You From A-Z Everything You'll Ever Need To Know About Running/Building Your Kids Program And You Might Want To Join Us
If You Like The Thought Of Having Kids Learning BJJ, Sticking With It As They Turn Adults & Become World Champs
There is No One Else In The WORLD That Can Teach You How To Do It Outside of Us!


  • There is only ONE American Black Belt World Champion that is Homegrown, his name is Jamil Hill and he came from our Kids Program. He also won Worlds at Purple & Brown Belt. Not recruited, didn't come to us having already done bjj. Created from scratch (Photo of Jamil winning the Black Belt World Title.
  • The other handful of American Black Belt World Champions left their original schools and moved around before they got their World Title. (The Reality is if you happen to create a really good kid they will end up leaving you or quitting all together if you don't learn what will be taught at this event.)
  • The mass majority of school owners that focus on competition will burn their kids out.(When you attend this event you will get an exact system that will save kids instead of burning them out)
  • There's a reason why no one else has been able to create a home grown American Black World Champion in the 30+ years BJJ has been in America.(We've never shared this info before but will pull back the curtain at the event)
  • If you aren't into competition no worries, you'll still learn the most complete system to building, growing and maintaining a kids program ever.
I’m Looking For A Few Serious MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL OWNERS That Want To Learn How To Build A Hugely Successful Kids Program, One That The Kids Want To Stay Involved In For 10/15/20 Years & A Program That Can Actually Produce World Champions/Elite Competitors. 
If That’s You We Will Personally Show You How To Do It GUARANTEED!
Malachi Getting Promoted Into Our Leadership Program at 5 Years Old

Malachi Getting Promoted To Black Belt
Malachi Getting Get Silver at The 2022 World Championships. (He's Now One Of Only 3 Americans to Get Silver At The Black Belt Level and The Only Home Grown) (Bill Cooper & JT Torres are The Other 2)
  • Limited school owners are invited. It will be in Miami Fl. Dates are May 13-15, 2022
  • The meeting will be led by my Head Kids Instructor (Master Donnie).
  • To Generate An Additional $10,000-$40,000+ Dollars Per Month From YOUR Kids Program
Master Donnie enrolled into my school in 1998, he received his Blue, Purple, Brown and Black Belt from me.

He's home grown, never trained bjj or any grappling art before coming to train with me and became my head kids instructor while he was only a White Belt.

Don't forget I started my entire school as a Blue Belt.

Master Donnie even lived with me for a couple of years. 

He is 100% HOMEGROWN!

For those that don't know.

I started BJJ at 26 years old, got my blue belt in only30 days, received my black belt in only 3 1/2 years and opened my own school as a blue belt.

 I started in traditional martial arts at 3 years old.

I don’t KNOW life without the martial arts and I can’t imagine a child being forced to find their way in the world without it. 

So when I hear martial arts school owners telling me their kids programs are failing or that they don’t offer them anymore because they couldn’t make them work it saddens me.

Hence why I decided to do this seminar you'll be attending and have Master Donnie "spill the beans'.

For the last 20 years he has been the head kids instructor at my academy.

For the last 20 years he's been instructing the kids, traveling with the parents/families for competition, dealing with everything that comes with running a kids program.

The good, the bad and the ugly! (you'll learn how to avoid 99% of the ugly side by attending this event)

He's been both a student DIRECTOR of the Lloyd Irvin Kids Martial Arts program so he's seen it from BOTH sides of the equation. 

The student side and the business side.  

This UNIQUE perspective gives him a level of expertise and experience few people in the martial arts possess and with this SYSTEM you'll learn when you join us in Miami you'll be able to attract AND KEEP so MANY kids in your program and get them and their parents to stay, pay and refer week after week and month after month and year after year.

PLUS  if you care about competition what you will learn at this event will Blow You Away.

            The BIG Breakthrough

For every last child in our program, no matter WHERE they come from, what their family status, their level of experience, etc… the answer to the question “WHY is our program so successful” where others so consistently fail or underperform?” The answer is always the same…

THE MAGIC Is In The “System”

 If you’re trying to run your kids program in any way shape or form like your adult programs you are unintentionally and accidentally...

HURTING The Children In Your Community
ROBBING Your Own Family Of Income
& Leaving A TON Of PROFIT On The Table

Don’t get me wrong. 

Running a kids program is a commitment. 

It’s not something you should take on half-heartedly. You’ll be disappointed and so will the families you engage if you do.

But what I can PROMISE you is that after you spend 3 days in Miami, return home and install this new Kids Formula Master Donnie is going to give you....

 The rewards financially, personally & professionally will exceed your wildest dreams!!! 

 How many martial arts schools have you ever been to where there were DOZENS of students who started when they were 5,6,7 and now over 20 years later those 25, 26, 27 year olds are STILL enrolled at the school!? (and there are always new 5-6-7 year olds coming in to repeat the cycle)

That’s the kind if IMPACT personally and professionally I’m talking about. 

The ULTIMATE Win-Win-Win. 

You win, Your students and their families win & Your community wins

And isn’t that why you fell in love with and chose to make your life in the martial arts anyway!!!?

Without The Right System Your Kids Program Is DOOMED To Provide Minimal Income & MAXIMUM Disappointment For Everyone Involved. (Plus you'll have ZERO chance of creating killer kids on the mat and keeping them)

Angelo Getting His 
Thai Jitsu Yellow Belt

Angelo Getting His 
BJJ Black Belt

Here are just a handful of critical parts YOUR system MUST have if your kids program is going to take off and pay off BIG TIME!... the good news is that while it may not seem that way at first glance… EVERY one of these critical parts are EASY to bring into your school for little or NO money at all. 

This is not a complete list but just some of they things he will be covering)…

At The Meeting, We’ll Go Deep In These Areas:
  • A KIDS SPECIFIC… structured program
  • KID SPECIFIC Instructor Training… It doesn’t matter how AWESOME your best adult instructor is… teaching kids, helping kids, supporting kids, keeping kids attention and most importantly KEEPING KIDS IN YOUR PROGRAM is a SKILL that EVERY kids instructor MUST have
  • Atmosphere… it’s got to be kid friendly or at the very least kid neutral.  
  • Answering The Phones… if the person calling your school is a parent looking for information or to enroll their child in your school, that call MUST, MUST, MUST be handled DIFFERENTLY than any other call that comes into the school
  • ​The Tour… much like the initial phone call… the kids tour MUST be DIFFERENT than the adult tour. Remember, these are someone else’s children… parents will set a HIGH bar for you. And while that may seem “bad” the truth is it makes for far higher retention, far higher income and far higher referral rates because of it!
  • First Lesson… There are a handful of “make it or break it” points with all kids and the first lesson is DEFINITELY one of those points. Get their first lesson right and you’ve got a student for life. Get it wrong (like most schools do) and you’ve lost them forever.
  • ​Closing A Parent to sign their child up… my closing rate is so high I’m not even going to tell you what it is because you won’t believe me. I’ll just say that it’s OFF the CHARTS. But it’s important that you understand that EVERYONE who uses the same system I follow gets the same results. It’s NOTHING magical about my “closing skills”. I simply have an A-B-C formula that I’m committed to and I follow and parents LOVE IT! Plain and simple.
  • The Perfect Kids Class… as with all things, it’s one thing to get off to a great start and another to continue the momentum and continue to engage and help the kids BEYOND the first lesson and the close. With a system you’re golden. With NO system and just teaching them the same stuff or similar that you’re doing with the adults is a recipe for DISASTER, minimal retention and LOTS of frustration
  • Games, Clubs, Promotions & Retention… the bottom line is this, adults can manage to stick with what I call “the death march”… the approach that says “this is what we have to do and this is what we’re going to do… suck it up”… however if you’ve spend more than 5 minutes with any kid under the age of 14 you KNOW for a fact that “death march” usually doesn’t work too well. Finding ways to get kids to learn and progress WITHOUT depending on the death march is the ONLY way to guarantee you end up with MULTI-GENERATION retention. I’m not talking about 3 or 4 months of retention I’m talking about a kid starting your program at 5 years old and then 25 years later brining THEIR kid to you!!!! That’s what a BIG money, BIG reward, BIG impact kids program is all about.
  • ​Atmosphere… it’s got to be kid friendly or at the very least kid neutral.  
  • ​​How To Run A Summer Camp Like a BOSS!!!! (This can easily at $50K -$100K+ per year) Not Everyone wants to run camps but those that do will learn how do it at a very high level. We've ran camps for over 20 years.
  • ​​How to run After School Programs (without the headaches)Not Everyone wants to run after school programs but those that do will learn how do it at a very high level. We've ran camps for over 20 years.
  • ​So if you’ve had ANY difficulty, frustration, apprehension or failure surrounding your kids program. I GUARANTEE that you’ve missed the boat on at least 2 or 3 of these critical factors. For some unfortunate school owners I’ve even see a few of them get ALL of these points W-R-O-N-G.
Best For Those Wanting To Generate An Additional $10,000-$40,000 Dollars Per Month From 
YOUR Kids Program…
This Stuff Would All Fall Into The “Serious School Owners Only” Category And Isn't Really Appropriate For Hobbyist.
My Last $3000 Per Person Mastermind Event In Philly 
  •  WHAT: Three Day Kids Event
  •  WHEN: May 13- 15, 2022
  •  WHERE: Miami Fl.
  •  WHY: To start, scale, expand and Grow your Kids Martial Arts Program
  •  WHO: Martial Arts School owners that want to build a World Class Kids Program, retain the kids for a very long time & create Elite/World Class kids that don't QUIT in adulthood
  •  HOW MUCH: $2997 (Additional for Partner and or Employee) Early Bird Discounts Can Be Seen Below Good Until May 1, 2022
With such an inexpensive price and with so few seats, this is likely to sell out.
Best For Those Wanting To Generate An Additional $10,000-$40,000 Dollars Per Month From 
YOUR Kids Program…
This Stuff Would All Fall Into The “Serious School Owners Only” Category And Isn't Really Appropriate For Hobbyist.

My Last $3000 Per Person Mastermind Event In Philly 

  •  WHAT: Kids Event
  •  WHEN: May 13- 15, 2022
  •  WHERE: Miami Fl.
  •  WHY: To scale, expand and Grow your Martial Arts School
  •  WHO: Martial Arts School owners that want to build a World Class Kids Program, retain the kids for a very long time & create Elite/World Class kids that don't QUIT in adulthood
  •  HOW MUCH: $2997 (Additional for Partner and or Employee)
With such an inexpensive price and with so few seats, this is likely to sell out.
If You Have Any Questions Please Email Us At support@mmabusinesscoach.com
Now This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg. You’ll Learn So Much More
But instead of writing a long sales letter explaining everything that you’ll learn I’m just looking to help a handful of school owners.

I’m really looking for the school owners that already know the massive amount of value I can bring them.

I’ve personally created more million dollar bjj/mma school owners than anyone on earth. A bold claim, but true.

The amount of schools I’ve helped break past the $50K a month mark is staggering.

The overall impact that I’ve made in school owners lives makes me extremely happy.

I’m only looking for the school owners that already know what I can do and the massive value my events bring.

The investment for this is only $2997 ( Additional for Partner and or Employee) Early Bird discount can be seen below.

Honestly, investing $2997 for the information you’ll be receiving is a steal because with what you learn, you can immediately implement it in your school and get your investment back 20 times over.

Seriously, If I charged you $10,000 for this three day event and helped you make an additional $5K a month would it be worth it?

At $5K a month I would’ve helped you make an additional $60K per year.

If I help you make an additional $10K per month thats an extra $120K per year.

$10K, or $20K or $30K would be a steal at this price point.

And I’m betting I can help you make way more than an additional $10K a month.

So YES i feel $2997 is a drop in the bucket for this information you’ll be receiving.


It’s simple!

If in the first hour of the meeting, you feel that I’ve wasted your time, I will give you a full refund of $2997(Or whatever you paid if you took advantage of the Early Bird Discount), I will reimburse you up to $500 for your airfare if you flew in and I will reimburse you for one night of your hotel/airbnb stay if you stayed in a hotel or airbnb.

I gave this same guarantee at my last $3000 “Machine Workshop” and no one requested a refund.

I’ve had 1600 school owners come through my events that ranged from $497 - $10,000 and I've never had a refund request EVER! ” 

This will be no different but IF at the first hour of the event you feel its not worth it, just let me know and I will refund you everything above.

There is no better guarantee than that.
Big Bonus For Attendees
Bonus #1
Everyone that attends will get 30 Days Of Unlimited Voxer Access To Master Donnie. This type of access was only available to my $30K & $60K per year school owners. Voxer is a Walkie Talkie type of phone app. After the event if you have questions, need a quick answer on something, forgot how to apply a system, have an parent issue or anything dealing with your kids program, Simply message Master Donnie on his Coaching Voxer Line and he’ll answer it for you. It’s like having him in your back pocket to bounce an idea off or get help anytime you need it. (The Value of this is $30K minimum.) I’m dead serious, the cheapest way to get Voxer access to Master Donnie is to be in my $30K per year group. This bonus alone is worth the entire investment.

Bonus #2
You can select any one of my $3000 book widgets to use for your school. ($3000 Value.) I’ve sold these at my events for $3k or $12K for the entire batch. This will make you a published author and you’ll stand out as the authority in your area. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use this book widget. I’ll help you after the event.

Bonus #3
After the event we will have four weekly Mastermind Calls. Each week we will hop on a group call with members of my Coaching Program. I will personally hold you accountable and the group will hold you accountable for everything you took away from the event. We will continue to scale the ideas, plans and strategies that you learned at the event.

The goal here is to make sure you actually implement what you learned and also to be a true ongoing mastermind after the event is over. ($2000 per group call Value) 

There you go, over $41,000 in additional bonuses just for attending this event.

Your investment is only $2997 but you can get the early bird price before April 25, 2022
The Super Bonuses Below Will Be Removed on May 1, 2022.  If You Want Them Get Your Ticket No Later Than April 15th.
Bonus #1
2 - 30 Minute LIVE Phone Strategy Sessions With Me. ($5000 Value) I charge $5K to allow someone to take me to lunch and pick my brain. Sounds crazy but people are always asking to take me to lunch to pick my brain. What their really asking is for me to provide my coaching services for free or for lunch. With this bonus you will get an hour worth of phone coaching broken into two sessions. If you want to do one hour long session you can do that also. After if you ever have questions that need extended time simply use these calls. (These calls will be Valid for up to 12 months after the Mastermind Event ends)

MEGA BONUS 7 Hours Of Coaching Calls That I Did For My Coaching Clients That Pay Upwards of $30K For Access


Bonus #2 YOUTUBE ADS TRAINING FOR SCHOOL OWNERS (2 hours and 16 minutes running time)

Bonus #3 YOUTUBE ADS TRAINING FOR SCHOOL OWNERS (1 hour and 15 minutes running time)

Bonus #4 How To Generate Business With Facebook Ads In The Next 24-72 Hours (1 hour running time)

Bonus #5 The Magic Thank You Page Formula + Twitter ads & Spotify Ads (1 hours and 28 minutes running time)


Bonus #7 The Secret Lead Generation Strategy No One is Doing (One hour running time)

Your investment is only $2997 but you can get the early bird price before May 1, 2022
Early bird price BEFORE MAY 1, 2022 -
Save 50% Right Now Until April 15th!
    Retail price MAY 1, 2022 - May 7, 2022
    Save 25% Until May 1st
      Event price may 7, 2022 until the event if space permits
      While Tickets Last
        Now This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg. You’ll Learn So Much More
        But instead of writing a long sales letter explaining everything that you’ll learn I’m just looking to help a handful of school owners.

        I’m really looking for the school owners that already know the massive amount of value I can bring them.

        I’ve personally created more million dollar bjj/mma school owners than anyone on earth. A bold claim, but true.

        The amount of schools I’ve helped break past the $50K a month mark is staggering.

        The overall impact that I’ve made in school owners lives makes me extremely happy.

        I’m only looking for the school owners that already know what I can do and the massive value my events bring.

        The investment for this is only $2997 ( Additional for Partner and or Employee)

        Honestly, investing $2997 for the information you’ll be receiving is a steal because with what you learn, you can immediately implement it in your school and get your investment back 20 times over.

        Seriously, If I charged you $10,000 for this one day and helped you make an additional $5K a month would it be worth it?

        At $5K a month I would’ve helped you make an additional $60K per year.

        If I help you make an additional $10K per month thats an extra $120K per year.

        $10K, or $20K or $30K would be a steal at this price point.

        And I’m betting I can help you make way more than an additional $10K a month.

        So YES i feel $2997 is a drop in the bucket for this information you’ll be receiving.

        Here’s my BOLD GUARANTEE

        It’s simple!

        If in the first hour of the meeting, you feel that I’ve wasted your time, I will give you a full refund of $2997(Or whatever you paid if you took advantage of the Early Bird Discount), I will reimburse you up to $500 for your airfare if you flew in and I will reimburse you for one night of your hotel/airbnb stay if you stayed in a hotel or airbnb.

        I gave this same guarantee at my last $3000 “Machine Workshop” and no one requested a refund.

        I’ve had 1600 school owners come through my events that ranged from $497 - $10,000 and I've never had a refund request EVER! ” 

        This will be no different but IF at the first hour of the event you feel its not worth it, just let me know and I will refund you everything above.

        There is no better guarantee than that.

        Bonus #1
        Everyone that attends will get 30 Days Of Unlimited Voxer Access To Master Donnie. This type of access was only available to my $30K & $60K per year school owners. Voxer is a Walkie Talkie type of phone app. After the event if you have questions, need a quick answer on something, forgot how to apply a system, have an parent issue or anything dealing with your kids program, Simply message Master Donnie on his Coaching Voxer Line and he’ll answer it for you. It’s like having him in your back pocket to bounce an idea off or get help anytime you need it. (The Value of this is $30K minimum.) I’m dead serious, the cheapest way to get Voxer access to Master Donnie is to be in my $30K per year group. This bonus alone is worth the entire investment.

        Bonus #2
        2 - 30 Minute LIVE Phone Strategy Sessions With Me. ($5000 Value) I charge $5K to allow someone to take me to lunch and pick my brain. Sounds crazy but people are always asking to take me to lunch to pick my brain. What they're really asking is for me to provide my coaching services for free or for lunch. With this bonus you will get an hour worth of phone coaching broken into two sessions. If you want to do one hour long session you can do that also. After if you ever have questions that need extended time simply use these calls. (These calls will be Valid for up to 12 months after the Kids Event ends)

        Bonus #3 
        You can select any one of my $3000 book widgets to use for your school. ($3000 Value.) I’ve sold these at my events for $3k or $12K for the entire batch. This will make you a published author and you’ll stand out as the authority in your area. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use this book widget. I’ll help you after the event.

        Bonus #4
        After the event we will have four weekly Mastermind Calls. Each week we will hop on a group call with members of my Coaching Program. I will personally hold you accountable and the group will hold you accountable for everything you took away from the event. We will continue to scale the ideas, plans and strategies that you learned at the event.

        The goal here is to make sure you actually implement what you learned and also to be a true ongoing mastermind after the event is over. ($2000 per group call Value) 

        There you go, over $46,000 in additional bonuses just for attending this event.

        Your investment is only $2997 but you can get the early bird price before April 15, 2022
        Early bird price BEFORE APRIL 15, 2022 -
        Save 50% Right Now Until April 15th!
          Retail price April 16, 2022 - May 1, 2022
          Save 25% Until May 1st
            Event price may 1, 2022 until the event if space permits
            While Tickets Last
              If You Have Any Questions Please Email Us At support@mmabusinesscoach.com