But instead of writing a long sales letter explaining everything that you’ll learn I’m just looking to help a handful of school owners.
I’m really looking for the school owners that already know the massive amount of value I can bring them.
I’ve personally created more million dollar bjj/mma school owners than anyone on earth. A bold claim, but true.
The amount of schools I’ve helped break past the $50K a month mark is staggering.
The overall impact that I’ve made in school owners lives makes me extremely happy.
I’m only looking for the school owners that already know what I can do and the massive value my events bring.
The investment for this is only $2997 ( Additional for Partner and or Employee) Early Bird discount can be seen below.
Honestly, investing $2997 for the information you’ll be receiving is a steal because with what you learn, you can immediately implement it in your school and get your investment back 20 times over.
Seriously, If I charged you $10,000 for this three day event and helped you make an additional $5K a month would it be worth it?
At $5K a month I would’ve helped you make an additional $60K per year.
If I help you make an additional $10K per month thats an extra $120K per year.
$10K, or $20K or $30K would be a steal at this price point.
And I’m betting I can help you make way more than an additional $10K a month.
So YES i feel $2997 is a drop in the bucket for this information you’ll be receiving.
It’s simple!
If in the first hour of the meeting, you feel that I’ve wasted your time, I will give you a full refund of $2997(Or whatever you paid if you took advantage of the Early Bird Discount), I will reimburse you up to $500 for your airfare if you flew in and I will reimburse you for one night of your hotel/airbnb stay if you stayed in a hotel or airbnb.
I gave this same guarantee at my last $3000 “Machine Workshop” and no one requested a refund.
I’ve had 1600 school owners come through my events that ranged from $497 - $10,000 and I've never had a refund request EVER! ”
This will be no different but IF at the first hour of the event you feel its not worth it, just let me know and I will refund you everything above.
There is no better guarantee than that.